AHSAA Authorized Uniform
Smitty Shirt with AHSAA sublimated logo: Long or Short Sleeved Black and White Vertically Striped Shirt with Black Panel Sides and Black Colored Yoke from collar to alternating stripes with black sleeves, Standard long officiating pants, black in color, with a 1-1/4 " white vertical stripe running the length of the outside seam of each pant leg from the belt to the bottom of the pant leg, standard black socks, low cut predominately black football shoes with limited white markings and black laces, black baseball cap with white piping (Referee shall wear solid white baseball cap), black leather belt with plain buckle, black Fox 40 whistle and black lanyard, black or white bean bag, Custom Designed AHSAA Black Jacket (if worn). Adjustable caps are not permitted. No other patches or organization logos of any kind are allowed on the uniform, except Alabama Sports Officials Foundation sublimated logo on right sleeve. Every member of each crew must be dressed alike during the contest.
TVFOA does not specifically endorse any of the vendors listed. However, One Stop Sports is the official hospitality sponsor for AHSAA Officials at all AHSAA Championship events. Below are a few vendors that provide AHSAA football officials' equipment.
Click on vendor logo or web link to go to page.
Official's Shirts & Jackets must have new AHSAA logo
Other Uniform Vendors
Fifth Region Officials - www.fifthregionofficials.com Referee Store - www.refereestore.com
Hudson 51 Official Wear - www.hudson51wear.com